Leas Park Junior School Leas Park Junior School

Leas Park Junior School

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Headteacher's Welcome

We would like to welcome you to our school and look forward to pupils spending four happy and successful years at Leas Park.


We hope our school is a place that children enjoy. We believe we have a happy, positive and relaxed atmosphere where children can develop confidence in both their work and in their relationships with others.


We believe that children come to school to work hard within the broad and balanced curriculum that we provide. We expect high standards from our children, in their work, in their games and in their behaviour. 


We hope that everyone will work together- parents, children, teachers and governors- and place great importance on the shared responsibility to ensure that each child is encouraged to reach his or her full potential during their time at Leas Park.


School Aims


At Leas Park, we aim to:


  • offer a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the moral, physical, spiritual and cultural development of each child
  • encourage each child to become a caring and responsible member of both our school and the wider community in which they live
  • ensure that each child acquires the knowledge and skills relevant to the world around them, especially in the effective use of language and number
  • promote supportive, caring and positive relationships, where self awareness, confidence and self-discipline are developed and encouraged
  • offer all children an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential, and to celebrate achievement at all levels
  • ensure that all children can learn in a safe, secure environment



Mrs T Hall


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